Well, well, well. Today is a big, big day!
Why, you may ask? Well, only because my best book yet is being released!
After years of scratching at notebooks and tapping at keyboards, bouts of exhilaration and near-tears, and writer's block lasting up to a year at times.
Six computers. At least five notebooks. Five drafts, but only two that were completed.
Seven months of intense editing, several times when I honestly considered throwing the whole thing in the trash. Thirteen beta readers who kept me from doing just that.
And now, after so many years, so much time and effort, I am releasing Water Princess, Fire Prince into the hands of the public to read, and enjoy, and rip to shreds as they will.
You can click the above image to go through and buy the kindle copy. The Paperback edition is available HERE. For this week only, it's just $14.99, so get it now. The price will be going up to, I think, $17.99 after I announce the giveaway winners, so I can opt the book into the expanded distribution channels.
Once you've read the book and fallen love, be sure to leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads, and then join the goodreads fangroup!
Also: FREE BOOKS!!! (What's one of my parties without free books involved, may I ask?)
Currently, all three volumes of the Bookania Quests are free on Kindle, but My Kingdom for a Quest is free TODAY only, so get it now!
As for the stops I'll be making today, you can check out:
Overactive Imagination - Jakob
Flights from the Aerie - Me
ElvishPens, Fantastical Writings - Me
ScatteredJournal Pages
A Heart Redeemed
Also, Giveaways! I have two. The first is a rafflecopter giveaway with the prize being a signed physical copy of Water Princess, Fire Prince and a bottle of Citrus Bliss, which is a essential oil blend of about seven citruses and vanilla extract - and as readers of Water Princess, Fire Prince know, that's the smell of warm bathwater in Rizkaland.
The other prize is for the person who leaves the MOST comments during this tour, be they here on my blog, on my posts for the tour - including the countdown posts I was doing last week - or on the interviews and reviews and such on other blogs. (And yes, you can comment multiple times on the same post, but there must be someone else commenting between your comments, or you must be replying. And constructive comments, please. Don't be commenting just to be commenting, or I won't count it.) I'm not entirely certain what this giveaway's prize will be, but I'm kinda leaning towards a chance to Alpha read book two. If so, if there's a tie, then I'll award the prize to both people who tie.
Oh, and one last thing: I turned comment moderation off last night and capcha on. Have fun with it!