Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Test of Loyalty

I said that a friend of mine, one with whom I'm coauthoring a book, is releasing her fourth book soon. And since there are only two people with whom I am in the current process of co-authorship, my sister and Miss Jack Lewis Baillot, and since my sister doesn't have three published books to her name ... it's probably obvious whose book it is.

Miss Jack is publishing the second book of her fantasy Because of Loyalty Trilogy, and today is the cover reveal. Jack has some gorgeous covers, and I think this one may top them all.

First the author picture and blurb: (Because I'm mean like that)

Jack Lewis Baillot has the ability to wear a red shirt because she is convinced she is Scottish and therefore immune to expendable dying. It also helps that she has a last name. Jack claims the title of Author, which makes her feel like a Time Lord when she capitalizes it. She has a sonic pen which deepens her Time Lord claims.

She enjoys a good Science Fiction story though spends most of her time writing Fantasy and Steampunk, or a mixture of both. She believes cliff hangers are terrible and feels the need to apologize over and over when one of her books ends on one. When Jack isn’t writing, which doesn’t happen often, she goes on long hikes through the ice lands she calls home. She believes she will one day meet the Abominable Snowman and share a cup of hot chocolate with him.  You can learn more about Jack’s other published work and upcoming books at her website.

And now for the book blurb:

Upon learning he is one of the sons of the now dead king, Prince Lachlan is forced to leave the only home he has ever known. Fleeing for his life, his step-brothers a step behind, Lachlan finds safety and friendship with a young seamstress named Magda, a hermit, an Elf, and two Dwarf brothers. Determined to keep the young prince alive, Magda and the others seek out help in the surrounding Nations.

Everywhere they go, the fugitives are constantly turned away. They are followed by Lachlan's half- brothers who are determined to kill him so that one of them might take their father's crown and become the next king. With every place Lachlan is taken, his brothers close in and when the finally catch up Lachlan is forced to face the question that has been haunting him since he left home.

Lachlan was saved in the hopes he would become a better king then his father and his brothers. But the last thing he wants is to sit on the throne. If he refuses the crown, will there be anyone willing to fight to keep him alive? 

I've had the privelige of editing the book, and while I wasn't thoroughly impressed with book 1 (that isn't to say that I wasn't impressed - just not thoroughly), this book is rapidly rising the series in my estimation. (Also, the fact that I'm assisting in the editing means that I can make sure that the worst of the grammar issues are gone)

And since you've all waited so patiently, here's the lovely cover!

And, on another note, I've finished CinderEddy, edited and formatted it, and I have a cover art for it, so I'm hoping to publish it some time next week. Just a heads up, and if you want to send me an email, I'll send you the cover and blurb for you to post on your blog. And I'll be by possibly Monday with details for my Ginormous blog party that I'm planning for the celebration of my five years as a blogger and three years as a published author. Sure, the party won't officially start until July 24th (my blogoversery, and it will run until August 4th, Sew's release day), but several of the activities and giveaways are things you can - and possibly should - start working on now.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Fantastic Favorites

A friend of mine is releasing her fourth book shortly (Most of you know who she is, and if not, I'll let you guess. Hint: I'm coauthoring a book with her), and even more shortly is the cover reveal. In celebration of said cover reveal, she's having us post about our favorite fantasy books.

I read a LOT of fantasy, of all levels and brands, and flavors, and honestly, picking favorites isn't easy. So I'm going to go with books that have had a lot of effect on my own writing.

Despite my initial misgivings on this book, once my mother made me sit down and watch the BBC videos, it was love at first sight. You can't find a more enchanting fantasy world, or delightful Christian messages, and I blame this book for my current career as a writer. Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that the new movies got a few things wrong, I may still be piddling around with my Tiger Lilly stories. Which brings me to my next favorite.

No, I don't know why this wants to be on this side of the screen. Anyways, while Narnia is where I go to learn how to build a fun world, I study Middle Earth to know how to build it deep. My introduction to this world was the opposite of Narnia. My mom and dad were going to go see one of the movies as a date, and my sister and I begged my mom to tell us the whole story. After she gave us a very condensed version, she later got the books on tape from the library and we went to bed listening to them every night. Good memories. Also, my sister's desire to write about hobbits led to our Elvings, which gave me my first taste of world building.

Fairy Tale retelling at its best. This book taught me that just because you are retelling a fairy tale doesn't mean that you have to rely on the plot. I'm not sure I even realized that this was a retelling of Cinderella until I was almost done with it. There are few books that I reread, but this is one of them.

Xanth is my guilty pleasure reading. It's not quite as clean as I would like it to be, but the humor and worldbuilding are delicious. It's responsible for the Punch Line and other such things in Bookania.

Despite all the books I had read, it had never occurred to me that magic wasn't necessary for a fantasy novel until I read Molly's Makilien Trilogy. And while I'm not going to go through and edit out the magic from every book I'm writing, I have decided to cut it on a few of my books. (Won't tell you which, though!)

I can't tell you for certain what exact influence this has had on my writing, but I've read it so many times, it has colored my writing, in particular The Trilogy of Secrets, and possibly The Faerie Realm. I've never encountered a book quite like it.

While again, I can't tell you exactly what influence Oz has had on my writing, it's another book that I've read so many times, it can't help but bleed into my own words. For instance, his Sea Fairies, (which, while isn't strictly part of the series, does tie into it and shed light onto a small plot element in The Lost Princess), is the book that taught me that mermaids can be modest.

This series, and its two sequel series, deal with a topic similar to the one that I mess with in Half-Hidden.  I had my premise for Half-Hidden long before I even heard of these books, but reading them has caused me to refine and seriously look at the side effects of my premise.

And there we go. Not so painful after all. I may actually be missing some, but that's another issue. I can't wait for the reveal tomorrow, and just a heads up, tomorrow is also the last day to submit a review of The Ankulen for the giveaway! Currently, you have only two competitors, and the odds are seriously in Kiri's favor - and I can't have her win ALL of my giveaways, now can I?

And on another issue, I discovered yesterday that Kew, Arthur's cousin, had been one of Robin's suitors ...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tea Party Blog Tag

Hello readers! Just popping in with my participation in the Notebook Sister's tag, which is about books and Alice and Wonderland and is in honor of their third anniversary of blogging. Congratulations to them!

1. Just Alice: What book cover(s) has made you super curious?

I'm not much of a cover person - in fact, I'm more likely to be turned off by the cover (as in the case of The Phantom Tollbooth and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe), than I am to be enticed by one. However, I did decide I wanted to read Molly Evangeline's books based heavily on her cover arts, particularly on the cover art of her second fantasy, Courage. 

2. Mad Hatter: List the craziest character(s) you've ever read.

Eh ... there was an old lady in the Rowan of Rin series by Emily Rodda that was pretty nuts. Can't remember her name for the life of my however. (It's not that I don't read about crazy characters, but I've read so many, they've all blurred together in my head)

Wait, no, I take that back, the craziest character I've read is the Green Witch in the Rhyme of the Willow trilogy by the Sullivan brothers. She was crazy

3. Red Queen, Off With Your Head! What book have you felt like beheading?

Usually when a book evicts this feeling from me, I don't finish it and forget I read it, so I'm pulling a blank here.

4. White Rabbit: What books or series have been insanely popular but you've been "late" to pick them up?

I'm always late to read popular books. (With the exception of Percy Jackson, but I didn't realize it was popular until I finished the original series). I didn't read The Hunger Games until after the first movie came out, I haven't read Twilight or Harry Potter (nor do I plan to) and I was far too late in reading the Narnias. (And don't give me the excuse that I wasn't born when it was published. I ignored - nay, shunned - it on my bookshelf for years before my mom made me read it.)

5. Caterpillar: What's the most confusing book you've read?

Star Seed ~ Life ~. That was a weird book. First of all, the main character was unintentionally time travelling, and secondly, it was told in first person, and there were two chapters told in first from two other character POV's - without warning.

6. Dormouse: What was the last book that sent you to sleep?

As with the books that I want to behead, if a book is putting me to sleep, I usually wander away from it, never go back to it, and forget it existed.

7. Cheshire Cat: Book that made you laugh and smile?

Cinderella Theorem comes to mind, as it's the one that I most recently finished. I honestly hadn't believed that anyone besides Doranna and I would think to put math with fairy tales. I was wrong.

8. Knave of Hearts: Most recent character who stole your heart?

Ah .... eh ... Kaden from Resistance. I wish I had a twin brother like him ...

9. Jabberwocky: Best villain you've read this year?

The emperor in Resistance. He seemed so nice until you went against him.

10. Down the Rabbit Hole: What's the latest book/series/author that's completely swallowed your interest?

Resistance. I read an ARC for review, and let me tell you, the next book can't come fast enough. (Except that I want Jaye to make sure that King's Scrolls is as well edited as possible)

Now, this has me thinking ... what shall I do for my fifth anniversary of blogging come July ... I'm going to have to make it good ...

Monday, May 26, 2014

Interview with Rayad

About the Book (Cover image attached to email)

Don’t you know? Animals like you have no soul.”

Could God ever love a half-blood all of society looks upon with such fear and disdain? Jace once believed so, but when a tragic loss shatters the only peace he’s ever known, his faith crumbles as the nagging doubts he’s tried to put behind him descend on his grieving heart. With them come the haunting memories of the bloodstained past he longs to forget, but can never escape.

Taken from home at a young age and raised to serve the emperor, Kyrin Altair lives every day under a dangerous pretense of loyalty. After her unique observation skills and perfect memory place her into direct service to the emperor, Kyrin finds herself in further jeopardy as it becomes increasingly difficult to hide her belief in Elôm, the one true God.

Following the emperor’s declaration to enforce the worship of false gods under the penalty of death, many lives are endangered. But there are those willing to risk everything to take a stand and offer aid to the persecuted. With their lives traveling paths they never could have imagined, Jace and Kyrin must fight to overcome their own fears and conflicts with society as they become part of the resistance.

Available for purchase on Amazon May 20th!
View book extras at

About the Author (Author pic attached to email)

JAYE L. KNIGHT is a 25-year-old independent author with a passion for writing Christian fantasy and clean NA (New Adult) fiction. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Jaye weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God's love shines as a light to offer hope.

Jaye is a homeschool graduate and has been penning stories since the age of eight. She was previously published as Molly Evangeline. You can learn about her latest writing projects at
Social Media Links

A few weeks back, I participated in the cover reveal of Jaye L. Knight's newest book, Resistance, the first book she's written under her new pen name. Today, I'm participating in the blog tour for this lovely read by featuring an interview with Rayad, one of the characters. He's the father/mentor figure to Jace, the half-ryrik, and while I personally didn't connect with him nearly as well as I did with Kyrin and Jace himself, he is no less an amazing character, as you will see from the interview.

I can't remember if this is a Rayad quote or not. I think it is, though.

1. What is your fondest childhood memory?

There are many I look back on fondly, particularly those with my friend Warin. I think one that stands out the most involved Kalli and Aldor. They stayed with us for a good while when I was young and grew to be like family. I’ll never forget the birth of their first child—a daughter. I was an only child, and though Warin was like my brother, that was the first time I’d ever experienced having a baby in the house. I was pretty hesitant and didn’t know what to expect at first, but I sure enjoyed getting to hold her after a while. It was almost like having a sister for the few months they were able to stay with us.

2. How did you come to know Elom?

My parents were very diligent in raising me and teaching me about Elôm from a very early age. My mother could weave a lesson about faith into even the most unlikely situations. I was seven when I fully placed my trust in Elôm. I had some rough teen years, as I think is typical, but their steadfast faith and diligence was like an anchor for me.

3. Is there anything that you have done that you have regretted?

Unfortunately, by the time you’re my age, you’ve compiled a list of regrets. There are many things I wish I had or hadn’t done. I think I’ll always wonder how things might have been different if I had laid low and not provoked the army captain near my home town. I don’t regret standing for my faith and what I believe, but I do regret that it ended in violence. Though I suppose I can’t regret the path that event set me on. Had I not needed to run, I never would have found Jace. That is the thing about regrets. You wish you could change things, but Elôm can always use a bad situation to bring about something good.

4. Apart from Elom, who do you care most about in the world?

Jace. I’ve never been married and have no children. I was always content with my life and my work, but when you live alone long enough, there are times you wish you had someone to share your life with. Once you reach a certain point, you start to doubt that will ever happen, but then Elôm brought Jace into my life. He’s the son I never had. It doesn’t matter how different our blood may be, he’s as much family to me as my parents were.

5. I don't think you have a Bible in your world, but let's say you do. What is your favorite verse?

We do have some writings and teachings of Elôm called the King’s Scrolls, but there are few complete copies. Most verses and passages are passed down between families. My favorite of those my parents taught me is one my father used to quote often. Though all the peoples walk each in the name of his god, as for us, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.* This is a verse I constantly keep in my thoughts with the worship of idols becoming so prevalent.

*Micah 4:5

I'm also reviewing the book over at O.Scarlett blog.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


I really ought to take out the "This February" ...
And here we come to chapter 5, which would have been chapter two in the No Longer a Dream version of the book.  I really need to get on the ball with this but … I need to get on the ball with blogging period!

It’s hard to believe, but I’ve now been working at a “real job” for six months now – an interesting experience, that, had you told me two years ago I would have one, I would have scoffed. But it’s been good for me, and not only for financial reasons. I’ve been able to do a LOT of people watching (once a coworker accused me of eavesdropping, but truth is, I wasn’t even listening to what they were saying, I was just observing how men have conversations) and I’ve picked up sales skills which can only help in my chosen profession.

But anyway, on to the commentary.

My Grandma tried really hard to get me to call these “Interludes” but I was stubborn and called them interruptions. They just didn't feel like interludes to me.

This first one (which was, interestingly enough, wasn’t the first that I had written) involved a girl running through the woods at knight and talking to the trees. This was, basically, a truncated form of the original first chapter of the book, just as the prologue was a truncated form of the original prologue.

Another Rude Awakening for Robin
Robin is not a morning person, and here she is, receiving another rude awakening from her brother. This time, however, he gets faster results.

Their horses have been stolen.

Now I didn’t know this at the time of writing, but Robin’s actually very close to her horse. As it is implied later in the book, she trained Snow herself, and they’re quite close. (I can thoroughly see her singing “horses are better than peoples,” except for the fact that she doesn’t sing.) Hearing that someone stole her horse does not make this the best day of her life.

Well, there’s nothing for it but to follow the thieves, and Robin and Robert volunteer to search in the direction their headed. The likelihood of them actually finding them is low, but they really don’t have any other options.

Thieves Found
Pretty soon it is apparent that they are at least on what is very likely the trail of the thieves, and soon after that, they hear voices, and soon after that, they see their horses. Robin goes into attack mode.

This is one of the fuzzy scenes where I wasn’t actually sure what was going on. Robin “dispatches” a few of the thieves, and I think that, when I wrote this, this wording was supposed to be an euphemism for her killing them … but since latter character development of Robin has revealed that killing isn’t her style, and she hasn’t actually physically harmed anyone since her training, so … as I said, it’s a bit fuzzy. And since, thanks to events at the end of the book, Robin probably doesn’t remember this anymore, I’m not sure I’ll ever figure out what really happened here.

Anyway, she manages to get all but one of the thieves out of the picture, but when she starts looking for that one, he’s nowhere to be found. She asks her brother where he is and her brother doesn’t look like he believes what he just saw.

And he’s lived with Robin his whole life, he knows how good she is with a sword. So unless she was going out of character and actually killing those thieves (which I honestly don’t think she did) this isn’t something he should be staring out in stunned surprise.

Enter a Girl
While he’s stumbling over an explanation for his astonishment, a girl – the mysterious girl from the prologue? – walks onto the scene and provides it. They “blew away.”  Robin instantly assumes that she’s a fairy, but she shakes her head and says that “anyone can ask the wind to blow for them.”

This part was not in the original No Longer. I wanted to set up some worldbuilding for one of my favorite fairy tales, “The Goosegirl,” which, at the time, I wasn’t sure what I was doing with it. (I have since mostly figured it out. Heads up – book 8.) However, she never asks the wind to blow, or the trees to do anything else in the rest of the book, it just didn’t work in. I have since done more worldbuilding and know that she was actually asking Forest Guardians, which are something like dryads, and one of the Cloud Sprites for this help.

That aside, Robert finally recovers from the man blowing away and the entry of this beautiful girl and asks her name. It’s Rosamond. Which Robin immediately attaches to one of their great-aunts. Robert asks if she’s the Mountain Princess – she’s not. Robin wants to know what she’s doing here.

And she pulls the melodramatic card. Which, as you continue reading, is out of character for her. Sigh, it was supposed to be one of her character traits, but she lost it somewhere along the line.

Her Speech
The most consistent complaint I have heard on this book is that the Shakespearean speech isn’t authentic. Honestly, I agree. But I thought I was being a clever little KJV purist, and I thought I knew everything.

Eh … but as I read back over this, I completely agree. If I ever do another edit of this book (which may or may not happen, and possibly in the near future), I will make sure I read through and improve all of the old speech. I have Learned things since then that would have made this book much better.

She Joins Them
 After Robin pulls some sarcasm that Rosamond doesn’t understand (a character trait that did remain consistent) Robert invites her to join them. After all, Robin might curtail her “talent” and a girl who can ask the wind to blow might be helpful on their quest for fairies. Also, I think he might be a bit smitten with her.

And then she asks why Robin has a sword and Robert doesn’t. The twins are a bit hesitant – their gifts not being one of those things that they like to talk about.

Favorite Lines

“Forgive my sister for being rude,” Robert suddenly put in. “We are Prince Robert and Princess Robin of Locksley.” Something flashed ever so briefly across the girl’s face, too quickly for Robin to figure out what it was.
“I am Princess Rosamond,” the girl replied.
“We had a great-aunt by that name,” commented Robin.
Something flashed across Rosamond’s face again, this time, even swifter. “Yes,” she said, “It is a very popular name.”
“No,” said Robin. “I mean it’s a rather, you know, old name.”
Rosamond laughed. “I have been told that,” she said.

“Really?” asked Robin. “So you’re lucky I came along?”
“Aye, for I wast not sure how much longer the trees wouldst be able to hide me,” said Rosamond. “But I ran away from another group yesterday.”
“You run from one danger just to be caught by another?” said Robin. “Girl, you’ve got talent.”
A puzzled look crossed Rosamond’s face. “I knew not that that wast a talent,” she admitted.
Robin rolled her eyes. “Well,” she said. “We need to get these horses back to where they came from.”
“Would you care to join us?” Robert asked. “Perhaps Robin will be able to curtail your ‘talent’.”
“That wouldst be nice,” said Rosamond.

1. Did you connect Rosamond to the girl in the interruption?
2. Do you think Robert is smitten with her?
3. Any favorite lines?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

CE Roof - Maryanne

I'm walking through the yard, minding my own business when I hear someone call, "Guten Tag, Kendra! Bonjour!"

I don't have to look up to know who it is, though I do anyways to figure out where she is. With a slight shake of my head, I answer, "Hello, Maryanne. Good to see you to." I spot her. She's ... on my roof. "What are you doing up there?"

"Ysga didn't want to land on the ground today, so dropped me off here," she replies nonchalantly, examining a tree that I think she is planning to use to get down. She says something in a language I don't understand, but due to my authorly powers, I do catch the gist of her words. The tree's a bit further away than even she's willing to risk.

"I've climbed that tree before," I shout up to her. "It's not fun. Hang on, I'll get you a ladder."

Luckily, we have ladders on hand, and within a few minutes, she's on the ground and at my side. After she helps me put the ladder away, I turn to her with raised eyebrows. "So, what do you want to talk to me so badly about?"

"What makes you think I want to talk to you about something?" asks Maryanne.

"If you're not here to tell me of a brilliant new plot idea that I or may not include, or to continue to try to convince me that you need a flying carpet - which you do not, you already have a dragon! - or to pester me about the fact that I'm not to your book yet, why are you here?"

"Because I know that I'm your favorite character and I thought you might like some lunch. That's the problem with working at a fast food place. You teach yourself not to eat."

"No arguments there," I admit. "But where is the food? Ysga didn't fly off with it, did she?" Maryanne isn't wearing any sort of bag aside from a satchel that I know can't carry food of any sort.

"Oh, no, Ysga didn't fly off with it. I left it on the roof. Everyone knows the best place to eat picnics are is on the roof."

"And we're on the ground, Maryanne."

She gives me a blank look, then glances back to the ladder. "Well, then we'll just have to go up there!"

I laugh and haul the ladder back off of it's place. "You should have told me that before we got this put away."

Soon we're on the roof, and I find a blanket laid out, laden with all sorts of food that I can and can't identify. Maryanne seats me on one corner, then sits down on the corner across from me. She prays a blessing over the food, then nods for me to pick up the cup in front of me.

"I know that you don't like tea," she explains, picking up her own cup, "so I gave you water instead."

I nod. "How thoughtful of you."

"You know, everything seems small and petty up on the roof," she observes. "So insignificant."

"And now we come to what you came here to talk to me about." I pick up a sandwich and bite into it.

"I was just making an observation!" she protests. "But, since we're on the subject, I suppose I can make another one. Kendra, you've been letting those small, petty, insignificant things really drag you down the last several weeks."

I sigh. "I know, and it's easy to think past them here on the roof, but down there ... I know that all things work together for good, but sometimes my life seems like so much of a mess, I can't see how any good came come of it, which leads to apathy, which leads to writer's block, which leads to me being grumpy."

"You should eat then. You're not you when you're hungry."

"You've been watching TV again, haven't you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're my only character who has a life outside of your books. You were watching Merlin, weren't you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I've only ever seen half an episode of that show - and it's not available in my Amazon Prime, so I probably won't be seeing it anytime soon."

"Your loss. Arthur is so handsome! Why are you looking at me like that? You know I'm obsessed with Arthurian legend in my own world as well!"

I shake my head. "Only you, Maryanne, only you."

She leans forward and places a hand on mine. "Kendra, I know you're a long way away from writing my books, especially the book where I'm the age I am right now. But press on. I know you're sometimes drug down by your life, but press on. Someday, you're going to look back and not be able to remember any of all this that you're so upset over. You won't remember the bouts of writer's block. But you will glad to be where you are, and you will be proud of your shelf of books. Don't give up!"

"Only you, Maryanne."

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Interview with Delaney

Via Pinterest
The Worth of a King is back in my court, and I have scheduled in this chapter a conversation between Obsidia and one of Jack's, Christa. Christa happens to be the tentative love interest of Jack's main character. (I say tentative because, despite there being obvious and certain attraction between them and they are very cute together, Adrian's being a prince complicates things.)

Because of the Nature of this conversation, I need some insight into Christa's head, so I emailed Jack the other day and asked if we could do interviews again. She agreed. Her interview should be going up soonish over at her blog.

My character is Obsidia's tentative love interest, Delaney. I again say tentative because, despite the fact that they care for each other deeply, and are even engaged (and it's because of her wedding that she has Christa available for this conversation) there is a slight issue of the fact that his father killed hers and that Adrian's claim to the throne could ruin everything. But he's a great guy despite that, and despite a plot twist that I suspect he's going to pull on me towards the end, I love him a lot.

Anyways, he's a great guy, and the picture above is the one that actually fixed his appearance in my brain. Just picture him in more medevally clothing. And anyways, on to the interview!

Welcome Delaney to my humble blog. Would you mind waving hi to my readers?

*Smilingly obliges* Good day, readers. 'Tis an honor to be here, truly. I have the highest respect for those who chose to make an occupation of the crafting of words, and fellow readers.

And I have the highest respect for characters who cooperate with their authors and suggest good ideas for the plot. Moving on, I hear you're going to be king one day?

That's the plan. My father's the king now, and I'm going to marry the daughter of the previous king, and when he dies, we become king and queen. Quite simple really. Why are you wearing the same smirk my sister gets when she's up to mischief?

No reason, this is my normal face. If I've heard correctly, your father killed the "previous king" to get the throne. Don't you and your bride to be find it at all weird that that your father killed hers?

I suppose, if you put it in those terms, it does sound strange, but to tell the truth, we've grown together almost as siblings. Obsidia's more of an extra little sister who's not quite as annoying as Nadilynn. How Nadi and I came to be a princess and prince isn't something we think about a lot. Besides, it's not as though this is the first time in Dialcian history that this has happened.

And you don't find it weird that you're basically marrying your younger sister?

First of all, she's not my younger sister. We're not even distantly related. Second of all, it's also a political match. There are people who are unhappy with my father as king, and most will be appeased to have King Edson's daughter as queen. It's how it works in Dialcia. Third of all, if we weren't marrying each other, we'd be marrying strangers, and I don't see Obsidia happy married to a stranger.

You're so considerate. That's what I like about you. Now, since I know there are lots of characters out there, in my own work included, who are staring kingship in the face and are not confident about it, do you have advice for them?

I do. Don't sweat it. Sure, you're going to have a lot of power, and you can easily ruin hundreds of lives, but it's becoming obsessed with that power, whether it's of you hatred of love of it, that will cause you to abuse it. Know that you have it, but don't let that knowledge consume you. Also, listen to good advice - and read a lot. Especially books by and about other people who have held similar power.

What would you do if you had a honest threat to your throne?

Threat? As in another assassin trying to kill father and I? Well, I don't know. It depends how sudden it is.

Interesting. Well, that's actually not what I meant, but it'll do. On another note, what's your favorite color?

Okay, now you have me worried about where this story is going - not that I'll remember this conversation when I return to the book. Favorite color? I guess blue. Dark blue.

Believe it or not, I think I've run out of questions for you today, and I need to go get ready for work. But I'm not going to shove you back into the book yet. Readers, if you have any questions for this charming young man, just ask, and he'll obligingly answer.

Also, (And I'm talking as myself again, despite the regular font) The Ankulen is free from today until midnight on Saturday. I've had four sales already, but I'm hoping for more! Please pick up your copy and share the news - and remember, I'm holding a giveaway involving reviews of this book this month - details here!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Character Encounters - May 2014

May's here with all of its flowers! Next month we get pilgrims!

Anyways, you're not here to talk about pilgrims. We're here to talk about where you'll meet your next character (who may or may not be a pilgrim - probably won't be, though).

Since I have a really nice giveaway that I'm also revealing in this post, I'll be short and sweet and cut to the chase.

The Attic

May is the last month of Spring, and therefore the last month of spring cleaning. And what room needs spring cleaning more than the attic? Of course, if you're like me, and you don't have a attic, the roof is a viable option. You don't have to be on the roof, but you know how characters are.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Okay, and now to tell you about the giveaway. As most of you know, I released The Ankulen back in September, about eight months ago now. But I'd like you to click through to this link. Now click through to this one. Notice anything interesting? The Ankulen doesn't have any reviews.

And the closest thing to a blog review that it has gotten has been what Jack wrote with her post in the cover reveal.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The presence of reviews is what sells books, especially reviews from people that the potential buyer trusts. Everyone who has read the book has told me that they loved it, but no one has told the world how much they loved it.

Is it really that much to ask you to write a review?

I don't want to stoop to the level of buying reviews (though the thought has crossed my mind) but I'm getting desperate. I've contacted a few people about reviewing it, and some of them have agreed to - but like myself, have a massive TBR list, and haven't gotten to it yet.

So, the other day I had an idea. Not exactly buying reviews, but I'm going to give you some incentive.

I'm going to host a giveaway. Entry - review The Ankulen. Every place you post a review (Amazon, Goodreads, Shelfari) is worth an entry. If you post a review on your blog, it's worth a entry. If your blog review mentions this giveaway asking for others to review this book, you get an extra entry. (Although, if your blog is dedicated to reviews, I ask that you don't mention it. Just share the fact that there's a giveaway on all your social feeds and I'll give you that extra point.

The prize? A $5 Amazon Gift Card. However. if I can get to twenty reviews by unique people, I'll make it two $5 cards. If I can get to thirty, there will be three cards. Forty reviews, and I'll give away 4 cards. Fifty reviews, and I'll add a $10 card. If I get to sixty, I'll toss in a surprise. Each card will go to a unique winner.

The deadline for this giveaway? The end of May. Sure, I know that fifty or sixty reviews is a pie in the sky number, but I have faith in you my readers. I know that a good number of you have read it already - you need only to actually sit down and write the review. I know that another good number of you already own it, and you only need to read it (and write the review). And for those of you who don't already own it - it will be free on kindle from the sixth through to the tenth (so if you post a blog review before or during the free spree, do mention this fact!)

I'm not asking for five star reviews (unless, of course, you feel like it deserves one). I'm asking for honest reviews that will tell potential buyers what the book is about, confess the bad with the good, and tell them why they should shell out their hard-earned money to buy it.

Also I do ask that you send me an email or comment on my blog somewhere with a list of everywhere you posted your review. Sure, I'll keep on eye on them, but I don't want to give the prize to someone who doesn't know about the contest (how awkward would that be?) so I need confirmation that your review is an entry to the giveaway.

Thank-you in advance, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
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