
Friday, November 24, 2017


Like most other bookworms, great books make their way onto my "things I'm thankful for" list every year. It's hard to choose favorites, but  I went ahead and picked five books I read in 2017 and am thankful for.
Exiles, by Jaye L. Knight: I read this originally as a beta read (You guys can thank me for assuring that Jace is wearing pants), and though I wasn't able to beta the whole book, I then read the whole thing for review and it is awesomeawesomeawesome. I need to write the review. It's on my agenda for next week...
Burning Rose, by Hope Ann: This book is my most recent read, and it's also on my agenda for review next week. I was a leeeeeetle disappointed that the first novella, the retelling of Beauty and the Beast, was swapped out for a new version of the story - but it does largely fit the world better, so it's still amazing.
Twisted Dreams, by Morgan Elizabeth Huneke: This book gave me the final push to get Poison Kiss written this year, as I wanted to do a joint release with Morgan. We also tossed a retelling by my mother into the mix, and it was awesome.
Befriending the Beast, by Amanda Tero: I am so thankful that this book exists - there are so few B&B retellings in this world that I like and this is one of the rare few.
Reversal Zone, by J. Grace Pennington: I'm not sci-fi's hugest fan, but I'm a pretty huge fan of Pennington's Firmament series. This book has a pretty intersting plot, too.
I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to another great year of reading! Speaking of more reading, here's one more thing to be grateful for. Books on sale! In honor of Thanksgiving and Black Friday, a group of independent Christian authors has banded together to offer a huge selection of discounted books between Nov 24th and 30th. There's literally something for everyone.

On November 24th, the Indie Christian Books website ( will go live. Every single book listed will be on sale in one or more ways. Find discounted paperbacks, dozens of books offered with free shipping, $0.99 ebooks,package deals and more. Even if you have a budget of $0, new reading material awaits you. When you purchase a paperback book through you’ll be eligible to enter an exclusive giveaway including free books and an Amazon gift card!

Want to know what great sales I'm offering? Well, not only do I have all six of my gorgeous new covers on a discount, but I also am offering FREE SHIPPING on all of my books. FREE SHIPPING, FOLKS.

AND THE PACKAGE DEALS - Well, let's just say, $19.99 for all three Bookanias. And no shipping. You're pretty much getting Sew for free.

You can meet our authors by visiting the Author Database on the website. Want to get to know the authors better AND have the chance to win some fun prizes? We’d love to have you join our week long Facebook party which will feature 39 authors over 7 days.

What awesome reads of 2016 are you grateful for? What books are you looking forward to reading in 2017?

A note on the Ebooks Only page. Many of the books are listed as "Sold Out." This is because we aren’t selling those directly through our site. Please click onto the product pages to find descriptions and links to discounted or free ebooks.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Leah E. Good and Kendra E. Ardnek for their work organizing this sale, and Hannah Mills for her fantastic design work on the website graphics. Hannah can be contacted at hmills(at)omorecollege(dot)edu for more information about her design services.


  1. yay so glad to see your list of books you're thankful for!! I'm feeling that 2018 is going to be a super amazing year for books to sO I'M EXCITED. Befriending The Beast sounds really good too!

    1. Well, your book is coming out next year, as is my Worth of the King, so it's going to be amazing by default, I'm quite certain.


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