
Monday, August 14, 2017

Sleepy Winners!

Well, the blog tour is over, and these three lovely new Sleeping Beauties have been released into the world. Hopefully, they'll eventually learn to take life by the ear and stop sleeping through it, but that's not the point of this post.

The point of this post is finding out who won all of the lovely prizes in the giveaway! Yay! Excitement!

Unfortunately, I'm having trouble confirming both of the entries that won the rafflecopter giveaways, and I need to email them for further confirmation before I can announce them.

I can, however, announce the winner of the comment contest, who will be receiving an early read of The Seven Drawers and Cindy Ellen.

Sarah Taleweaver.

Outpacing the runner-up by about thirty comments, Sarah was our hands-down winner. I have her email, and I'll be sending her prize once I get home from work today.

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in our Thunderclap. That was awesome. Don't know that I'll be doing another Thunderclap - maybe for Worth, next year, but that was awesome. And intense.

However, while that concludes the festivities for the tour, I'm just getting warmed up with my Bookshelf Overhaul. If you haven't yet, please click through here and find out all the details. And, if you have a blog, sign up for the big cover rereveal. Yay!

Someone's gunna win a full set of signed copies of my books...


  1. Cool beans. :D Though given my overly competitive commenting, I'm not surprised I won. XD Thanks, Kendra! I look forward to reading the stories!

  2. Congratulations, Sarah!*Applause*

    *One Last GLITTER BOMB!!!*


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