
Friday, August 11, 2017

Seven Reasons to Read Rosette Thornbriar

I'm here today to talk about the final Sleeping Beauty, and why you should drop everything and go read it.

1. My Mom wrote it. As all of you know, my mother's love for fairy tales is what inspired my own love, and so now you can go straight to the source.

2. It's nonmagical. So, if magic is something that bothers you, you have nothing to fear from this tale.

3. That said, the western town of Wunstuponia is absolutely enchanting.

4. Fleur is an adorable, dedicated hero, undeterred by any challenge.

5. Rosette screams when he kisses her.

6. You get to meet Cindy, who will be the protagonist of the next tale.

7. It's short, so it's a perfect read to share with your whole family at bedtime.

On The Blogs Today:
Morgan Elizabeth Huneke - Poison Kiss Feature
Light and Shadows - Puss in Boots (PK Character)
The Music of a Story - Will (TD Character)
The Flowering Vales - Twisted Dreams

Giveaway Time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

There will also be a prize for the person who leaves the most comments across all of the blog posts for this tour - whoever leaves the most comments gets to read The Seven Drawers, the retelling of Snow White that I just finished for the Rooglewood contest, and Cindy Ellen, the sequel to Rosette Thornbriar. Both stories are finished, so you don't have to worry about cliff hangers. Get commenting.

And, as a reminder, any comments that you leave on my blog this month and next will count towards a drawing for a full set of my books, with the all-new covers.

Oh, and free books!

Sew, It's a Quest (Permafree):

CinderEddy (Free August 7-11): LAST DAY FOR THIS ONE.
Woodcutter Quince (Free August 8-12):


  1. #5 is the best, though. I want to read this just for that. XD Also fairy tale Western, but yeah.

  2. "Rosette screams when he kisses her."
    LOL! Now I want to read it and find out if it's a scream of joy or of "Ack-why-is-this-random-guy-kissing-me?" :-P

    Seriously, though, your mom had me at the name Wunstuponia. Clever!



Hi! Now that you've read my post, hast thou any opinions that thou wouldst like to share? I'd love to hear them!