
Monday, March 20, 2017

Juggling with Sarah Holman

Hello! I have Sarah Holman here with us today to talk about juggling. Writing projects that is.

Sarah's a lovely writer of multiple novels and short stories, and I have as yet to read a book by her I haven't liked, and I've read MANY of them. She also manages Homeschooled Authors, which is how I met many of the author friends that I have today.

Follow Sarah on the Interwebs:


  1. I have to juggle multiple projects at a time SO often - thank you for sharing your advice with us, Sarah!

    ~ Savannah

  2. This was great to hear! I just published a novel, and am editing a novella & writing the novel's sequel right now :) It has been nice to have different things I can do and still be "productive." Although I do find myself leaning toward writing over editing. ;) Editing the novel has taken longer than I'd hoped because I'm preoccupied with writing.

    I'll definitely try scheduling better and not doing them both on the same day. That's a great tip. Thanks for sharing, Sarah! :)


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