
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Crannig Castle - Interview with Samantha Hubbard

Oh, hey, internet people! I am currently dying under a nasty case of Writer's Block (that not even my Writer's block t-shirt could help), and have lost all of my NaNo lead that I made for myself.

Anywho - I'm here to share with you an interview with Samantha, a character in the Time Captives Trilogy, one of my favorite Portal Fantasies. Despite having a smaller role in the book, Samantha holds a special place in my heart since she shares a name with my first best friend. So what if I was two when I last saw her and that I can't even remember her. BFF's forever. 

So why have I never given the name to one of my own characters?

About the Book

God, please look after Adriel. Keep him safe and keep him from acting foolish. And please help him to be able to find me.

Rae knew she could trust God to look after both of them. It was all she had now.

The Time Captives have been reunited. The rightful king has been freed. Now all that remains is to defeat the strytes who still hold a tyrannical rule over the people of Calhortz. But with their lack of soldiers, it’s a task that is easier said than done. They need allies, but are they worth it when it requires facing ghosts from their pasts?

Returning to his home country only brings the loss of Adriel’s family to the forefront of his mind. His determination to find Rae has never ceased, but now that determination could potentially destroy all that he and the Time Captives have been working towards. And his new-found faith may not be able to withstand the challenge.

Will they be able to set aside their personal struggles for the sake of the freedom of all or will they allow their pasts to consume them? Will they manage to win back Crannig Castle from the rule of the strytes? The fate of Calhortz hangs in the balance.

Crannig Castle is the final book of the Time Captives trilogy, a tale of faith, family, fantasy, and a fight for truth and freedom.

Buy Now

Also, the first two books in the series are currently FREE, so do go check them out.

Hello, and welcome to Knitted By God's Plan! Would you tell me a bit about yourself?
Hi! My name is Samantha Hubbard. I look like I’m twelve, but I’m really 112. I’m the sixth of the Time Captives to come to Calhortea. At home, I’m from the year 1900. It was quite a change coming from then to Calhortz, but things are changing so fast at home, I’ve gotten used to it. I also think I picked the wrong direction to travel when I got here. Eleanor went south and escaped Toarna for years, but I went west like George and got picked up right away. So I’ve spent most of my time here in the dungeon, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been since I had family with me.

Can you tell me a bit about your family back home?
Why certainly! I’m the second of eight children. I have one older brother, just like all the rest of the Hubbards except the last, and his name is Henry. He’s Calvin’s father. The six younger than me are Grace, Joshua, John, Lucy, Cilla, and Ava. Ava was just a baby when I left. We lived at Creighton Hill with our parents. I’m sure you knew that already; where else would we live? After all, if we hadn’t, I couldn’t have gone through the portal in the attic. We studied at home with a private tutor, except Henry who went away to school, and of course, the babies who were too young. I wasn’t very good at lessons…usually I would have Grace help me. She and I are rather opposite as she likes to read and things of that sort and I’d rather not, but we got along well anyway. Being in the middle of the boys helped with that, I think. Papa was a lawyer. He’s the first generation to not work the plantation, but it just wasn’t really worth it anymore. It’s kind of a sore point with Theodore, since he was proud of it being a plantation, but it was just hard to sustain after the Civil War ended. It’s a surprise it lasted as long as it did. But you probably have more questions for me.

Who do you miss the most?
That would be Grace. I spent most of my time with her and we were really close. Also, she was always the one to make our decisions. *shrugs* If someone else has an idea that sounds good, I go for it. Luckily, Grace’s ideas usually turn out to be good ones. Not all the time, like when she thought it would be fun to dig an underground playhouse. It sounded neat, but the digging was too hard…and we got in trouble for digging on the grounds without permission and realized that it likely would have collapsed on top of us. But it was fun while it lasted. I do miss Grace a lot. I hope I will be able to see her again soon.

What is your favorite animal? Color?
Dogs. Grace likes cats best, and we always had to be different. You can do more with a dog than a cat, though our dog doesn’t like to mind. My favorite color is green, the green of growing things. I love the outdoors, and green reminds me of spring.

How do you feel about death?
Death? That’s an odd question. It’s a normal part of life, just one we haven’t had to worry about since we came to Calhortz. As long as you believe on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you don’t have to fear death. I’d rather not die painfully, and I’d like it to be quick, but I have lived a long time, so I don’t really need many more years to live. After all, I’m 112! People don’t usually live that long these days.

What has been the best thing about coming to Calhortz?

I’d say getting to meet all the other Hubbards. We’re all from such very different times, it can be interesting to get all fourteen of us together. I never liked history much before, but when they tell about it from their own experience, it suddenly becomes real. It’s not just a bunch of battles and dates. It was real, and people really lived through it the way I lived through my own time. And I also get to find out about the future.

About the Author

Morgan Elizabeth Huneke is a homeschool graduate who lives in Georgia. She has enjoyed creating characters and writing stories since early childhood. Books have always been a big part of her life, never more so than when working at the local library. Her other interests include reading, playing the piano and violin, and politics.

You can connect with Morgan on her website, blog, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest. Find the rest of the tour here:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for interviewing Samantha! I can't say more...spoilers. ;) :(


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