
Tuesday, August 11, 2015


So I'm never participated in a Top Ten Tuesday before. They've just never inspired me. Or, they have, but I forget to link up in time. I shall fix this problem now. Sorry.

Anyways, it's hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

So lets start. I've consulted Goodreads to help me, because I've been reading a long time and I may have forgotten a few. To make things easier on myself, though, I'm not going to count the authors who only write fifty-page books. So while I've devoured most of the Boxcar Children, and at least fifteen of the Droon series, I'm not counting them.

Let's proceed.

1. Jean Craighead George. I don't know off the top of my head, but it's over twenty. Maybe over thirty. I don't have time right now to make a full rolecall here.

My mom held a contest a few years back to see which of us kids could read the most of her books. I came in second. That was a fun summer.

2. Martha Finley. 13 and 1/2

 I was kinda surprised by this one, as fantasy is my favorite genre. But then I reflected that she IS the author whose books I own the most of (35! All 28 Elsies and all 7 Mildreds). However, while I've only read through book 13 of Elsie in its entirety, I've read at most of the books. Especially the scenes with ventriloquism in them. Those scenes fascinate me.

3. Piers Anthony. 13.

All Xanth, which is awesome. The number will go up just as soon as I ILL books 14 and 15, because I own 16 and 17, and my library has 18. I just haven't gotten around to ILLing them. READ ALL THE PUNS!!!

4. Rick Riordan 13.

Every single Percy Jackson book that he published, including the companion collections, and one Kane Chronicle. I love mythology, what can I say?

5. C.S. Lewis. 11 and 1/2.

I've read all seven Narnias, all three of the Space Trilogy, and the Great Divorce, which is one of my favorite fictional representations of Heaven. Very rich and powerful. I've read about half of Mere Christianity, which I need to find and finish, but that's a thick book!

6. L. Frank Baum. 11 or 12, I don't remember exactly, not off the top of my head.

I've read every Oz book we own, which is 8 of them, and chased down Scarecrow of Oz and Magic of Oz in hunt of Trot's backstory, which I finally found in The Sea Fairies and Sky Island. I've also read his book about Santa Clause, and I think there was another one in there, but I'm not sure.

7. Gail Carson Levine 11

All of her retellings, which number eight, two of her Disney Fairy books, and Two Princesses of Bammare. And I've read Ella Enchanted more times than I can count, so that may count for extra?

8. Lemony Snicket. 11

I made it to book 9 before I bailed on the Series of Unfortunate Events. Then I've read The Unauthorized Autobiography and the first of All the Wrong Questions just this year, because I picked up UA at my library's book sale and then wanted to know more about VFD.

9. Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell. 11

Seven Deepwood novels, Three Far-flung Adventures, and Muddle-Earth. One's the author, and the other's the illustrator, and together they make awesomeness.

10. Bryan Davis. 8.

All of the Dragons in our Midst Series, and all of Oracles of Fire. I haven't decided whether or not I want to continue into Children of the Bard, I hear they get pretty dark. And I tried the Starlighter series, but couldn't get into them. I may try again later, though.

11. Anne Elizabeth Stengl 8.

I know, I know, I'm bending the rules on my first time, but I had a tie. Basically, I've read every book she's published with the exception of Draven's Light, which I haven't put my hands on yet. I may or may not be waiting for her to run a kindle sale. *whistles*


  1. I didn't know C.S. Lewis had such a vast library he authored. Awesome Post!! Check out my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. He has over twenty books, if I remember right, at least fifteen of them fiction. He was rather prolific, yes!

  2. What! Read more Martha Finley. :) It's worth it, especially when you have them available. :)

    Fun post!

    1. I know! I know! I need to finish the series(es). But I kinda lost momentum while we were tracking down book 14, and now I'm having trouble getting back into them.

  3. CotB is pretty dark in places . . . but it's very awesome, and I highly recommend the series. HIGHLY.

    1. I probably will read them eventually, but I have to ILL them, and that takes more brainpower than just wandering by and plucking a copy off the shelf, and thus more courage.

  4. Love C.S. Lewis too! I really need to read some of Stengl's books!
    My TTT

  5. I've got all of the Elsie and Mildred books too. Unlike you I've read all of them. Too many times. I'm kind of tired of them now. I've also read all the other books by Martha Finley that I can get my hands on. I'm not tired of them yet.

  6. SO MUCH LOVE FOR LEMONY SNICKET. I'm going to reread them, I totally am...although I mostly want to so I can review them, since I read them pre-goodreads so it looks like I'm NOT a fan. **gasp** I can't have that. ALL MUST BE REVIEWED. And I love Rick Riordan too! :D I've read most of his books this year, but still need to read The Kane Chronicles and his "extra" PJ books. I think there are extra ones? Eh. I shall google at some point.

    *whispers* I think I must've read about 50 Boxcar Children books too. :O

    1. There are four extra Percy Jacksons: Two collections of short stories, which I have read, and they are awesome, and two collections of Greek myths told in Percy's voice. I haven't gotten a hold of them yet.

      But on the two collections - find and read THE DEMIGOD FILES, because you don't understand Bob without having read one of the short stories within.


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