
Monday, December 30, 2013

Nutcracker Advent Day 30

Today's nutcracker is on a towel. Holding a tray of desserts. Yummy.

It was a Christmas present from my adopted uncle and aunt.

Don't panic.

I can't think of anything more to say about it.

So I'm going to talk about a new blogging scheme of mine that I'm going to begin next month. Over the last few years, I've slowly become aware of "fans" that aren't used for artificial cooling, but instead are people who really like things. In particular, a lot of people are fans of movies or books. This doesn't mean that they cool the movies or books down, just that the really like them. Enough that they draw fan art, write fan fiction, devote blogs to the books and other such strange things.

And you know something? As an author, I think it'd be really cool if I could have a few of these fans for my own books. Wouldn't it be cool to see fan art of Robin and Robert and other such interesting things?

And this lead me to the thought that maybe some other authors might enjoy having a fan or two themselves.

So starting January, I'm going to choose an author, series, or book and become its fan. It will be a book or series that I have already read and loved, and possibly reviewed over at O.Scarlett. It will not be a popular book, and will probably be indie-published, like my books, and it will definitely not have a huge existing fan base.

Because, after all, feels aren't just for popular books.

As the fan of this book, I will:
Read or reread the book/series/everything the author wrote.
Draw some fan art. (Won't promise it'll be good, but I'll make a valiant attempt)
Do at least one Character Analysis.
Do some Quote thingies ... (Uh ... what are they called? Pictures that have quotes from the books on them, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.)
Post reviews over at O.Scarlett (Unless the reviews are already written. In that case I'll just point you to them)
Buy the books. Probably kindle versions, though since I now have a job, I may feel generous and buy paperbacks. If I already own the book/series/everything the author wrote, I will purchase the Kindle version as a giveaway for one of my readers.
Possibly write Fan fiction. This'll depend on how bold I am.
Contact the author and ask for an interview. And hope that they won't mind a short notice ...
Anything else I can think of or someone else might suggest.

As you can tell, this is a brilliant idea, and I'm quite willing to let any of you join me and become fans with me. You can do the same book/series/author I'm doing, or you can chose your own - as long as there isn't an existing fan base. The point of this is to make unknown authors feel famous. Because its something every author deserves, isn't it? Perhaps later I'll have the brainpower to put together a button that you guys can steal ...

January's series will be the Makilien Trilogy by Molly Evangeline, since I just got around to reviewing its last book and it's fresh on my mind. Since I have all three in kindle version, this means that I'll probably be hosting a giveaway.

Looking forward to 2014! (Though it's scary how quickly it approacheth ... and I'm still far from finished with any of my books that I want to publish next month ... I'd better get busy.)


  1. Oooo, looking forward to your posts on this trilogy! I've heard lots of whisperings about it and would love to read some in-depth stuff about it! Plus the covers are just so cool. I think that self-published authors have some of the best covers out there.

  2. Superb idea, Kendra!! Looking forward to it!! Hopefully, I'll be able to contribute something!

  3. You picked a great series to start with. I am half way through Trust and was having Sirion issues which were just cleared up and now I am happy about life again. I can't wait for all your posts about this series because I really love it, especially Halandor...he's my favourite, which makes me feel worse for spelling his name wrong. (I am sorry, my dear friend. It really is my dyslexia acting up. Yours is just one of those names I struggle with, but I love you to bits nonetheless.)


Hi! Now that you've read my post, hast thou any opinions that thou wouldst like to share? I'd love to hear them!