
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Typist's Corns

We had friends over yesterday.
I was outside with the younger kids.
My cousins put up a volleyball net the other day.
We have a volleyball.
I played volleyball with the oldest of the younger kids.

When I got inside, I had a red welt on my wrist.
I showed it to my mom. She said it came from typing too much.
I told her it hurt.

Then another appeared about half an inch away.
I showed them to my sister. She said it was typist corns. 
I told her it hurt.
She said that to get rid of them I had to stop typing for at least a week.
I looked at her like she was crazy. "V, I've got a book that I've got to have out by Christmas!"

And then another one appeared on the last knuckle of my ring finger.


Would ya'll be too disappointed if Do You Take This Quest? comes out in January?
Or June?

Editing's giving me a headache on top of those corns.

On a completely unrelated note, I've done some changes to the layout of this blog. New header picture and all that.

So, if you're reading this elsewhere than on my blog, please come over and have a looksee.

I'm quite pleased with my new header picture. Yes, that is a real dip calligraphy pen. Yes it is mine. Yes, I know how to use it. Yes, I use it often. No, I did not use it to knit the scarf.

I used knitting needles, then pulled the knitting needles out and inserted the calligraphy pen and mechanical pencil in their place.

Yes, that is a mechanical pencil, not a pen. It's actually the pencil I have Jen writing with in the Ankulen, if anyone's interested in my mental image.


  1. Hope you feel better soon, Kendra!! Those look painful! :(

    And I'm certain we all can survive until January... or June... somehow...

    God bless!
    Kiri Liz

  2. I like the new header! I love the pen and pencil for needles!

    ~Robyn Hoode


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