
Monday, November 30, 2020

Love and Memory Has a Cover!

 This post ... is incredibly late.

It's been a week, and I've finally stopped long enough to catch my breath. 

But! I revealed the cover for Love and Memory on Thursday! And now I'm finally now blogging about it. 

I am ridiculously proud of this thing, because I actually designed it myself. I was going to commission Alea, and she had even sent me a mock waaaaaaay back when LDTD was still newly-released, but then we were getting close to the crunch, her schedule was full, and I had a vision click into my head that I wanted to make happen. 

And so I made it happen. There was a lot of back-and-forth between Alea and I - and I am thoroughly grateful for her advice - and I am so pleased with how it came together. It may just be my favorite cover that I have designed to date ... except there's another that I put together since that I'll be revealing next June, and it also makes me incredibly happy. 

Now, alongside this reveal, I am offering book one, Water Princess, Fire Prince as a FREE ebook on Amazon, and book 2, Lady Dragon, Tela Duis just 99 cents! And, furthermore, I am offering Broken, which is part 1 of Love and Memory, for free as well as an early read! This sale is part of Perry Kirkpatrick’s Black Friday Sale, so do go check out all of the other books on offer for 99 cents or less! 

Admittedly ... because I am so late with this post, today is the last day of the main sale, only my freebies actually end today, so ... do rush over and go score some savings while they're still there!


Here are all the blogs that have helped me out on this cover reveal - do go click through and comment on all of them, as each was given an exclusive interview, snippet, pinterest inspiration, or all three, and I may or may not have a prize for whoever comments on all of them. Not sure what that prize is, yet, but ... there you go.

Oh, and a small bit of an announcement - because I'm aware that there's such a gap between releases, I do plan to host something of a readalong leading up to LaM's release. It will be a weekly event, each week focusing on one part of the book, starting with The Water of Water Princess, Fire Prince, and ending with Broken of Love and Memory. I maaaaay also toss in The Worth of a King, taking it from 11 weeks to 14, but I still need to stare at a calendar and figure out which weeks this will be happening. For now, just go grab all the books while they're on sale and strap in for the fun. I look forward to sharing with you folk all my favorite scenes of these books, and seeing what you guys loved about them. 

(Edit: I have consulted the calendar and have decided that yes, I will be including Worth, and the readalong will begin Jan 15th, and the posts will post on Fridays.)

Oh, and to play a game - Here's the Pinterest Board for Love and Memory. If you comment below with a pin from it, I may or may not tell you what the pin represents/inspired. So ... let's have some fun!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Know The Novel - Love and Memory

 I've not done one of these in a while, and I'm out of the blogging loop, but ... why not? 

My NaNo goal is to finish Love and Memory. I have about 140K written, and ... just over two parts left to write. Um, yes, it did acquire a Part 5 in the last few days. I thought it was just going to be four parts to this one, but the wrap-up chapters were getting busy, and I decided to pull them out, give each POV pair have their own, and then let the climax have space to breath and be properly epic. 

There is soooooo much going on in this book. I don't ... I don't even know. 

Also, if you're interested, sign-up for the cover reveal is currently open, so if you'd like to see the shiny early, you can fill out the form here!

1. What first sparked the idea for this novel?

So, after I published Water Princess, Fire Prince, I was telling people hints about the following books, and Morgan was horrified when I mentioned that Clara and Andrew weren't going to be major characters again until book #5, and she promptly demanded that I fix the problem. So the then-current book #3 got shifted over to Fall of a Star, and I pulled an old plot out of my hat to creat Love and Memory. And then it just kept adopting plots and conflicts until it became a monster.

2. Share a blurb (or just an overall summary if you’d prefer)!

I need to write a blurb. Um, for now, enjoy a prophecy! 

When a Queen forgets,

Her enemies rejoice in her weakness.
But when the Queen remembers,
They tremble in fear.
When a king loves,
His country rejoices with him.
But when that love is broken. 
The land is broken, too.
Can Water and Fire join again?
Can Love and Memory be restored?

3. Where does the story take place? What are some of your favorite aspects about the setting?

So, Part 1 and Part 5 take place in our own world, mostly at the Arden's house, which is in my stomping ground of East Texas, though we do get some glimpses into Clara's and Andrew's households.

Parts 2-4 take place predominately on the Isle of Rintae, (though part 4 does shift the focus a bit more to Rizkaland proper), which is a desert country that was populated by some refuges from pre-Islamic Arabia. 

So, yeah, lots of fun, lots of culture clashing, and lots of sand. Really enjoying mixing stuff up for this book.

4. Tell us about your protagonist(s).

There are 12/14 (I honestly can't remember) POV characters. Some of them are spoilers from LDTD, but they do include Petra and Reuben, Clara and Andrew, Ashna and Noraeto, and newcomers, Ali and Sorei. Most pairs are romantic couples, buuuuuut, one isn't. 

5. Who (or what) is the antagonist?

Aye, isn't that what everyone wants to know? There are a couple theories being bantered, but no one's quite sure who's at the bottom this mess this time.

6. What excites you the most about this novel?

All the fluff, all the pain, and I can't wait to finally finish this monster. Seriously, I was doing an edit on part 1 yesterday (so I can send it off to betas in advance of Part 1's early release), and I was fangirlling so hard over my own characters.

It is a bit ridiculous.

7. Is this going to be a series? standalone? something else?

It's #3 of the Rizkaland Legends.

8. Are you plotting? pantsing? plansting?

Plantsing. I still need to sit down and write up the outline/attack plan/table of contents for the final two parts, but it's mostly a rough gameplan for the characters to tell me the story.

9. Name a few unique elements about this story.

It's a story that deals with repercussions. We romanticise the trip to the other world, but what's it like to come back? It's not easy to transplant yourself.

Also there's Wyn. Um, not sure how much she qualifies as "unique," but she's adorable and must be PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. (No, we're not discussing her role in #4 at the moment. Or in The Cost of a Queen...)

10. Share some fun “extras” of the story (a song or full playlist, some aesthetics, a collage, a Pinterest board, a map you’ve made, a special theme you’re going to incorporate, ANYTHING you want to share!).

Have a Pinterest board!

And now I need to run off to work. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Five Reasons to Read The Dancing Princess


And the day is here! The Dancing Princess, the last Twist of Adventure, has made its way onto the internet, and you can read it at your leisure. 

And here's why you'll want to. 

1. It's a twist of adventure, which means that everything's different, but it's still the story we all know and love. This one's edging more into epic fantasy, despite its small package, with ancient feuds, cursed princes, and dance-off showdowns. 

2. It went Russian. Wasn't my initial plan, but my dad had been listening to War and Peace when I started it, and that Russian flavor just edged in ... and then I decided that it needed Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the brave. Russian folklore has long facinated me, especially the tale of those two, and I was thrilled to finally bring them into one of my stories.

3. One princess, not twelve. Much as I love sibling stories, 12DP retellings can get overwhelming with the number of names that one has to keep track of. Now, I did include eleven cursed princes and their kingly eldest brother, said brothers really aren't the point? You will get to meet all of them, but you don't have to keep track of them. Instead, you can focus on the awesome music magic and the sweet romance between Katrine and the king.

4. Speaking of ... yes, you heard me right when I said dance-off showdown. This 12DP focuses completely on the power of song - it's literally the fabric of reality in this world, and some people have the power to hear and meddle with it. It's a more serious magic system than I've written in a long time ... but you've actually seen it before in Hair We Go Again. But, yes, music. Because music is awesome. 

5. Finally ... well, we all know I love a good arranged marriage/marriage of convenience, and this couple was brought together through circumstance and tangled songs. They were so sweet to write, uuuuugh, I love them so much. Katrine may be quieter than a lot of my heroines, but she has a spine of steel, and the king, well ... he's made some mistakes in the past that he needs her to fix for him, but he also doesn't want to lose her because the magic woven into the curse is dangerous, sooooooo...

Yeah. Love this little story to bits, and I hope all of you guys will, too. Go buy it now!

This post was part of the Tattered Slippers release. To find out more about the other books, visit this page here ... and enter the giveaway for a chance to win four of them in paperbacks!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Interview with R.R. Goodwill

I had a ten-hour shift today, and it's left me pretty much braindead (especially as I find having my mouth covered for any reason to be incredibly agitating, though whether it's claustrophobia, overstimulation, or a combination thereof, I'm not sure - I just know that I'm left a ball of nerves at end of the day). 

Anywho, let's bring in Goodwill and let us tell us all about herself. 

Hail and well-met, Anka Kendra, and thank you for having me here today.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself! Hello, my name is R.R. Goodwill, and I'm a chocoholic. 😜 I may be a wee bit obsessed with red hair, and I've developed an affinity for Dragons over the past decade or so. Costume/fashion analysis and design fascinate me, although I lack the skills and budget to try my hand at it myself. I actually considered becoming a fashion designer at one point ... but writing is my first love and strongest calling, so I weave the fashion bits into my worldbuilding instead, where appropriate. 😁 I enjoy finding new recipes, and dream of the day I can actually try them out.

2. Your book, Prince Nacil. Tell me why my readers need to run over to the nearest Amazon and buy it right now. (Oh gosh, I hate tooting my own horn, but here goes ....) Because it's the best of my finished works to date. Because, while it is in the Fantasy genre, I make a clear distinction between good and evil, and God is referred to as a Person, not just a concept. Because, while there is some conflict and a few fights, I keep the carnage to a minimum, and even then, I try to describe it a briefly and delicately as possible. While there's a romantic subplot, there's nothing "spicy" about it in almost 500 pages. And the worst things out of anybody's mouth are insults like "fool" and "imbecile." In other words, if you, future reader(s), have strong scruples or convictions about such things, my book should be easy on them. Plus who doesn't love the old reliable royal-heir-reclaiming-his-throne-from-an-evil-usurper and True-Love-saves-the-day tropes? 😉

3. What part of the book was your favorite to write? I'm going to be totally sappy here and say the Victüriel scenes. I loved how their chemistry ended up (even though parts of their story are admittedly a bit head-banging). And the Mind-speaking scenes were such fun to explore and develop. Also Jane and Victor's relationship. It reminds me a lot of the bond between Sophy and the BFG, which has always had a special place in my heart.

4. If you could spend a day in your world, what would you do? Hmmm ... I'd probably choose a time either prior to the Revolution or well after it. If prior, I'd probably join the House of Othniel on a picnic holiday to Silver Lake. If after, I'd either spend a few hours making shinies with Lady Cambria (more on that in Book Two!), and just explore Omphálos in general ... or I'd travel to the land of the Brynikins (my version of Hobbits) for a barn-dance or other type of celebration.

5. Which three books would you recommend to everyone and their dog? For everyone: The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen by Lloyd Alexander (classic Quest, Coming-of-Age, and Magical Objects tropes set in fictionalized ancient China, plus a tiger as one of the heroes!), The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge (basically The Secret Garden meets Narnia. I LOVE THIS BOOK!), and The Adventures of Robin Hood by Rodger Lancelyn Green (classic Robin Hood lore with slightly updated language, plus Maid Marian as "one of the boys"). For their dog (to use as a chew-toy): Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss. Don't kill me! I tried to read this book, but the conflict and body-count got to a point where I just couldn't stomach it anymore. 😝

6. If you were given a dragon that matched your personality perfectly, what sort of dragon would it be?  Personality-wise, my hypothetical Dragon would be pleasant and friendly (for a Dragon), but respect others' personal space. It would be perceptive and sensitive to others' thoughts and feelings, but fiercely loyal to and protective of its "special people." Appearance-wise, it would definitely be a Purple Dragon--perhaps with iridescent scales and black accents. *Blink* Methinks I just described Ámethýstos ....

7. What do you do when not writing? *Sheepish goofy grin* Er ... usually surfing the 'net, "Windows-shopping" on Etsy or eBay, and/or watching YouTube videos by way of unwinding. That is, when I'm not helping my mother with the housework, grocery shopping, or yardwork. Sometimes we go thrift-shopping, though; that's fun. *Shrug* Basically waiting for my life to begin, really. I intend to schedule specific times to pursue my other creative hobbies, for variety.

8. What do you have next on your horizon? The sequel to Prince Nácil, christened The White Birds. I'm also hoping (Lord willing) to have my stand-alone novella, Princess Starflower launched in time for Christmas this year. Plus a wagonload of other books set in the Ýdära Multiverse ... but I'll talk about that on Day Seven ....

Book Description:
From the moment Victor Greenwood sets foot in the old farmhouse of Willowmere, Mrs. Whitaker and her family take the friendless drifter under their wings as one of their own. Deeply touched by their kindness, Victor delights them with his stories about the Elven-king Othniel and Jael his queen, forming a special bond with Mrs. Whitaker’s nine-year-old granddaughter, Jane.

But several odd occurrences indicate that Victor is more than he admits to. When the secret of his heritage threatens Jane’s safety, he sets out for the homeland he has long been banished from, to find Jane and return her home.

Unbeknownst to his friends, Victor is doomed to die thirty days after setting foot on his native soil, with only one hope of breaking the curse. But surely thirty days is far too short a time to find True Love...

Purchase Link:

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About the Author:

R.R. Goodwill began writing at the age of eight, eventually finding her niche in the fascinating realm of fantasy. Taking inspiration from J.R.R Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Faerie-tales, and folklore, Goodwill uses her God-given talents and active imagination to weave a bit of Truth among her works of fiction.
Find her online at: 
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July 4th
Rambling Rose: Interview - Lady Müriel
Knitted By God's Plan: Interview - R.R. Goodwill