
Monday, November 30, 2020

Love and Memory Has a Cover!

 This post ... is incredibly late.

It's been a week, and I've finally stopped long enough to catch my breath. 

But! I revealed the cover for Love and Memory on Thursday! And now I'm finally now blogging about it. 

I am ridiculously proud of this thing, because I actually designed it myself. I was going to commission Alea, and she had even sent me a mock waaaaaaay back when LDTD was still newly-released, but then we were getting close to the crunch, her schedule was full, and I had a vision click into my head that I wanted to make happen. 

And so I made it happen. There was a lot of back-and-forth between Alea and I - and I am thoroughly grateful for her advice - and I am so pleased with how it came together. It may just be my favorite cover that I have designed to date ... except there's another that I put together since that I'll be revealing next June, and it also makes me incredibly happy. 

Now, alongside this reveal, I am offering book one, Water Princess, Fire Prince as a FREE ebook on Amazon, and book 2, Lady Dragon, Tela Duis just 99 cents! And, furthermore, I am offering Broken, which is part 1 of Love and Memory, for free as well as an early read! This sale is part of Perry Kirkpatrick’s Black Friday Sale, so do go check out all of the other books on offer for 99 cents or less! 

Admittedly ... because I am so late with this post, today is the last day of the main sale, only my freebies actually end today, so ... do rush over and go score some savings while they're still there!


Here are all the blogs that have helped me out on this cover reveal - do go click through and comment on all of them, as each was given an exclusive interview, snippet, pinterest inspiration, or all three, and I may or may not have a prize for whoever comments on all of them. Not sure what that prize is, yet, but ... there you go.

Oh, and a small bit of an announcement - because I'm aware that there's such a gap between releases, I do plan to host something of a readalong leading up to LaM's release. It will be a weekly event, each week focusing on one part of the book, starting with The Water of Water Princess, Fire Prince, and ending with Broken of Love and Memory. I maaaaay also toss in The Worth of a King, taking it from 11 weeks to 14, but I still need to stare at a calendar and figure out which weeks this will be happening. For now, just go grab all the books while they're on sale and strap in for the fun. I look forward to sharing with you folk all my favorite scenes of these books, and seeing what you guys loved about them. 

(Edit: I have consulted the calendar and have decided that yes, I will be including Worth, and the readalong will begin Jan 15th, and the posts will post on Fridays.)

Oh, and to play a game - Here's the Pinterest Board for Love and Memory. If you comment below with a pin from it, I may or may not tell you what the pin represents/inspired. So ... let's have some fun!