
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dear Santa

Now, I know that Santa doesn't exist and that we get presents at Christmas only through the grace of God, but Dear Santas seem to be the best way to word things like this.

The first thing I want is a Kindle. You see, I love my mom's for a few reasons - first, I can carry hundreds of books around with me anywhere I go and not break my back. Second, it has a read-aloud feature - although the Kindle for PC and the Kindle Mini do not - which enables me to read while I crochet or knit. Third, it's harder to skip around and read the end and not the middle. That might sound silly, but I have a very bad habit of skipping ahead and neglecting to read the middle with hard copy books.

Second, I would like the One Year Adventure Novel curriculum: OYAN. I got a trial version of it in the mail, and really liked the sample lessons, and would like to go through it - it will help my writing so much.

Third, I would like some money to buy craft supplies, like yarn and hemp. I have a GiraffeCrafts business, but my supplies are running out. There's only so much you can make out of mismatched yarns.

Fourth, I have a 15.6 inch laptop ... with no case. This summer, it hasn't been too bad carrying it around in a messenger bag, but the messenger bag is open top and thin, and therefore offers no protection from blows and the elements. I would like a purple case for my laptop. A purple skin would be nice, too, but not necessary.

Fifth, I have been into art of late, and I love colored pencils ... but my colored pencil collection - most of which were bought for me years ago - is starting to run out. My favorite colored pencils are Prang and Crayola. Not Roseart, though - Roseart colored pencils are nasty.

Sixth, I've been having issues with my laundry ending up in everyone's but my own laundry piles when my sister folds laundry. Therefore, I have decided to started doing all of my own laundry. However, in order to do laundry, I need a laundry hamper all to myself. I would like a nice tall purple laundry hamper.

Seventh, I'm going to be taking chemistry next year, starting right after Christmas. I need a nice chemistry set.

Eighth, I love calligraphy, but am running out of ink for my dip pen, and would like some more ink, especially bright colors. Something like this.

For more ideas, visit my wishlist.

Tasty Tuesday

Today, I bring you eggs and bacon for breakfast!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Foto Friday - Parsley

This is the parsley right after we planted it this spring - we bought them in pots. Today, I plan to harvest the parsley so I can dry it for winter.

The white powder is cornstarch to keep away hornworms.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Hands.

I am thankful for my hands. You see, without my hands, I would not be able to be typing this.

Other things I do with my hands:
Read books (hold the book)
Knit and crochet
Pick food in my garden
Cook supper
Bake cakes
Dig in the dirt
Pick up my baby sister
Draw a picture
Clean my bedroom
Get the mail

... and so much more.

I'm so thankful God gave us hands!

Monday, November 14, 2011

How Can I be a Better Listener?

Have you ever talked to someone, and when you ask them a question, they not respond? Maybe they did answer, but they didn’t answer the question. They might have said something completely irrelevant to your question. Maybe they did answer your question, but not in the way you wanted the question to be understood. Have you ever done any of that to anyone else?
All of those are poor listening habits. If the other person, or you, had truly been listening, the question would have been answered in a satisfactorily way. There are many poor listening habits, and most come from not paying attention.
Some people don’t even seem to be listening, others seem to, at first. Some only seem to hear some of what you’re saying. However, how could it be improved, how could you be a better listener?
First of all, think of the other’s speech as more important than your own thoughts. Don’t challenge what they’re saying, just listen. Conversations are not competitions.
Second, don’t interrupt. When you interrupt, you don’t hear all of what is being said, and it makes the other far less likely to listen to you.
Third, remember, that while you might like to talk, they like to talk too. If you’re talking, you can’t listen, so don’t hog the conversation.
Forth, remember that words are only a small part of speech. Pay attention to posture, gestures, tone of voice, and facial expression. They could say one thing and mean quite another, so listen with your eyes as well as your ears.
Fifth, listen to everything the other says. Only partially listening is not listening.
Sixth, try not to “zone out” even when the other is getting boring. They might be exhibiting their bad listening habits, but you don’t have to add yours to the show.
These are a few ways to improve your listening, and there are many more. So, thanks for listening!


Tammy: Hello folks! Welcome to the Past Times. I’m your host, Tammy Turnback. With me today is the brilliant philosopher, Aristotle.
Aristotle: And scientist.
Tammy: Yes. What sort of subjects interested you?
Aristotle: A good many of them, especially natural sciences.
Tammy: Such as?
Aristotle: Animals really interested me. I also liked plants.
Tammy: I see.
Aristotle: They are so question provoking. Have they always stayed the way they are now? Or have they changed over time? I am known for being one of the first naturalists.
Tammy: When we had Alexander the Great on our show, he told us that you were one of his tutors.
Aristotle: Ah, yes! Alexander! Yes, I went to Pella for a long while to teach him and his friends. His conquests so expanded my range of study.
Tammy: How?
Aristotle: He had several scientists with him, and would send back stuff that they found. That was some interesting stuff!
Tammy: So, he remembered what you taught him better than his other teacher?
Aristotle: As far as I could tell.
Tammy: Tell me about your early life.
Aristotle: I was born in the town Stagira. My parent’s names were Nicomachus and Phaestis. My father was a doctor and he instilled in me my life long love of science and learning, although we scientists were considered philosophers at the time.
Tammy: Interesting.
Aristotle: My Father was a good friend of Alexander’s grandfather, King Amyntas. That might have had something to do with King Philip later selecting me for Alexander’s tutor.
Tammy: You said that your father taught you, what kind of stuff?
Aristotle: Practically anything that would be useful for a doctor. He hoped that I would follow him in his trade. I learned what he taught me quickly, and he eventually enrolled me in one of the local schools.
Tammy: Where you did very well.
Aristotle: I did. However, both he and my mother died while I was a boy. My guardian, Proxenus, sent me to Athens when I was eighteen in order for me to get further education, when I got beyond the teaching of the local schools.
Tammy: And you liked the place so much you stayed a while
Aristotle: I did. I didn’t return to Macedonian until Philip invited me to be Alexander’s teacher. That is why I am better known for my connection to Athens.
Tammy: I see. What are you best known for today?
Aristotle: My questioning on whether or not life forms stay constant, or change over time.
Tammy: The second is the commonly accepted today.
Aristotle: Yes, but it still do not think it is necessarily is the correct one. Personally, I still think it could be either.
Tammy: My personal opinion is the first. What other things did you think about?
Aristotle: Plenty, of other stuff. If it pertained to life and could be considered science, I thought about it. I did experiments, too. My Father had taught me early in life how to dissect animals and other stuff. I used that skill often.
Tammy: I personally do not care for doing that sort of thing myself.
Aristotle: Nor would I expect you to. You’re a girl.
Tammy: Well, that’s all the time we have for today. Thank-you, Aristotle, for your brilliant insights. I’m your host, Tammy Turnback, tune in next time for more of the Past Times!
Aristotle: You’re welcome.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Why Delegate?

Why should we delegate authority? Is it because we need to teach those we delegate authority how to do what we delegate to them? Is it to make it easier on our parts? Is it so the cow can jump over the moon?

Okay, so the last reason is rather facetious. The cow doesn't have to jump over the moon, but the other two answers are legit. Mothers and Fathers and other people who are teaching skills and tasks delegate authority to teach their children and students how to do what they are delegating. Think about it, if you don’t delegate – and teach them how to do them when you first do so – how will they know how to do what you’re trying to teach them?

They won’t. And it’s the job of teachers and parents to make sure that their students and children learn how to be worthwhile adults. When we delegate, our students and children and other subordinate will learn what we delegate.

Also, when we delegate, there is less that we have to do, others can take care of it. If we delegate to others the less important stuff, we have more time and energy to take care of the more important stuff. And if we have more time to get the more important stuff done, everything will just run smoother. And that’s what counts, right?

Also, if we delegate authority, the ones we delegate the authority to will often rise up to the challenge we present them with and fulfill our expectations. People often do.

Therefore, we delegate authority for three basic reasons, to teach those subversive to us, to make things easier on us, and to make more responsible people of the ones we delegate authority to.