
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ice Skating

Today I went ice skating. My first lap was all on the side, but once I figured it out I would let go for short periods of time. I never was too far away from the edge. I did fall five or six times, though. Ice skating is very different from walking.
Then we went to build a bear, they didn't have any giraffes, and I didn't care for the one purple bear they had, so I got a pink and orange one. I had the dress I wanted picked out before I had the bear stuffed. Since they were having a sale that made any bear/outfit/shoe combo the same price, I picked out a more expensive dress. The bear was a more expensive one, too. The dress is dark purple with black accents. It came with an adorable choker. The shoes I picked out are purple flip flops.
Then we went to Mimi's to eat.
Then we went to Joann's. Aunt Cindy got a teach yourself crochet kit and a bunch of fabric. I got a set of circular crochet hooks - still trying to figure them out - and two skeins of purple yarn. One will be for a scarf, the other for a hooded cloak that I would like to make. I also got some really sparkly purple fabric that Aunt Cindy's going to make into a shirt for me.

The Children's Museum and More

I am staying at my Aunt Cindy's this week. She took me to a children's museum yesterday. She got a few pictures of me being dramatic - like being eaten by a dragon - and of me in the dinosaur's footprint - which she wanted since neither Vannan nor Joel would sit in when they were up here. It was a really interesting place. I got an purple ooze tube and a small bag of pretty rocks for souvenirs.
Then we went to Mardel's where Aunt Cindy picked up a bunch of things that she needed for when school starts back up - she's a teacher.
Then we came home and waited for Uncle Tommy to come home so we could go to the gym.
After we got home I made spaghetti, which every one thought was really good. My secret, I season it my self - I don't use Ragu.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Math Trick?

I love math. I love math tricks, especially ones that are a lot more complicated than they should be.
Here's one I found the other day.
Take any two numbers from 1-9.
Multiply the first number by 5.
Add 7.
Double the number.
Add second number.
Subtract 14.
And wa la. You have a number with your two numbers as its digits.
In algebra this expression would look like this:
Let's simplify.
So, it's not magic after all.