
Friday, April 9, 2010

The Eagle Olympics

We're studying about Ancient Greece in school.

So the other day, I decided to hold an Olympics for the littles.

There were six competitions, and six littles.

First off, running. The distance wasn't far, just from the stage area to my dad's old car and back. Alex won. Mt, who was barefoot, walked the whole way. B didn't participate.

Then we had the discus throw. I couldn't find a Frisbee (I think they're all in the very slimy swimming pool) so I had them throw a bucket lid. Joel won.

Then the javelin throw. We didn't have a javelin, so we used the straightest stick I could find. Mt won.

Then the long jump. Marriana won, although I think I fudged a little.

Boxing - B won, I know I fudged that one.

We finished with the chariot race. Unfortunately, I didn't think the neighbors across the street would lend me her horses so I was the horse. I didn't time me, so I just declared the one who hadn't won yet the winner - Av.

I was one tired horse - and it was only the distance I had had the kids run (six times with a heavy kid on my back).

The prize was a fudgy no-bake. Every one got one.

Even the horse.